Ntate Andrew Mlangeni


A giant tree has fallen. A relentless fighter for liberation of the people of South Africa is no more. A leader who embodied the best qualities and core values of the congress movement is no longer in our midst. Death has robbed the people of South Africa of one of its finest sons who valued the freedom of his people more than his own life and personal comfort.
The death of Ntate Mlangeni marks the end of a revolutionary life that was dedicated to the struggle for justice and the defence of our freedom. Tata Mlangeni spent over two decades on Robben Island after his conviction at Rivonia Treason Trial in 1964. The ANC will continue to draw inspiration from him and his generation for their unwavering and steadfast commitment to the liberation of the country.


  • June 1925


    Ntate Andrew Mlangeni was born on 06 June 1925 at Matoding (later renamed Maynhartfontein farm) outside Bethlehem in the then boer republic of the Orange Free State (now the Free State Province). He is the ninth of twelve children of Matia and Aletta Mlangeni and belonged to one of the three sets of twins by the couple.

  • January 1943


    Ntate Andrew Mlangeni started school at the age of 11 in Bethlehem, when he enrolled himself at a local church-run school and passed Standard 4 in 1941. He later enrolled for Standard 5 at Pimville Government School in 1942 and passed Standard 6 in 1943. In 1944 he enrolled at St Peter’s Secondary School in Rosettenville where he passed Form 3 in 1946. He could not proceed beyond junior certificate because of financial constraints.

    He later managed to complete Matric through correspondence from Robben Island through Rapid Results College as well as BA (Public Administration) in 1979 and BA(Hons) in Political Science in 1983 with UNISA, obtaining the latter cum laude. His Law degree studies was disrupted by the negotiations at CODESA. 

  • January 1947


    Mlangeni took employment at Jeffery & Gallion in 1947-1955 as a printing assistant. This position benefitted the South African Communist Party (SACP) and the African National Congress’ communication units because he would sneak in on weekends to print their posters, banners and fliers.

    From 1955 to 1958 he joined PUTCO as a bus Driver a position he left because of his left wing views against exploitation.

  • January 1963

    Political Life

    Mlangeni was recruited to the Young Communist League by Ruth First in 1944 where he worked with the likes of Elisa Watts and Joe Slovo. From 1959 he became a full-time ‘functionary’ of the SACP as well as its secretary of the Johannesburg region responsible for black groups alongside Esther Barsel who was responsible for white groups.

    He also participated in the activities of the African National Congress Youth League Rosettenville branch from 1944 where he worked with the likes of Joe Matthews, Duma Nokwe, Fats Ngakane and Henry Makgothi. However, he formally joined the ANC Youth League in 1951 and the ANC itself in 1954 and became the longest-serving secretary of the ANC Dube branch, which he also represented as a delegate at the Congress of the People in Kliptown where the Freedom Charter was adopted.

    He served in the SACP and ANC leadership structures of the Johannesburg Area Committee where he worked with the likes of Nelson Mandela, Elias Motsoaledi, Alfred Kgasago, Arthur Hlapane, John and Obed Motshabi, Dan Tloome and Andrew Kunene. He also worked with Ruth First to support the mineworkers’ strike of 1946 spearheaded by the Communist Party’s aligned African Miners Union under the leadership of JB Marks and Dan Tloome.

    When peaceful means of expressing dissatisfaction with political marginalisation and economic deprivation by the apartheid minority regime was barred to the majority, Andrew was recruited by Nelson Mandela as the first Umkhonto weSizwe (MK) foot soldier in 1961. Later that year, he together with Joe Gqabi, Abel Mthembu, Raymond Mhlaba, Steve Naidoo and Wilton Mkwayi became the first MK members to be sent for sophisticated military training in China. Here, he and Naidoo were specifically selected for advanced military communication techniques and manufacturing of explosives due to their advanced level of Mathematics. During this time he met one of his heroes, Mao Tse-tung, who gave him a message to relay to the ANC leadership that the ANC should bring a bigger number for training than it had done with their group.

    On his return in early 1963 he joined the underground unit of MK and became a member of its High Command. His major responsibilities at the time were recruitment of people and despatching them for military training outside the country. It was during these activities that he disguised as a priest under the pseudo-names Rev Percy Mokoena and Percy Mbatha. Among the people he despatched to exile included Joe Modise and Chris Hani.

    He was arrested with Motsoaledi on 24 June 1963 on the national raid day and charged with the Zeerust group which had been intercepted by the security forces in Zeerust after Andrew tried to despatch them for military training outside the country. However, he and Motsoaledi were acquitted from the Zeerust trial because of lack of evidence against them.

    But their acquital was shortlived because they were again charged in the Rivonia Treason Trial together with many other leaders who had been arrested at a raid at Liliesleaf Farm on 11 July 1963, as well as Mandela who serving a five years sentence following his trial in 1962.

    Before the court passed judgment on him, Mlangeni told the court that:

    "Though leaders of many countries throughout the world have tried to persuade the Government to abandon its apartheid policy, and although resolutions have been passed in the United Nations against South Africa, this has met with no result. All that the Government has done is to reply to the people's demands by putting their political leaders in gaol, and breaking up families".

    He was found guilty alongside Mandela, Walter Sisulu, Govan Mbeki, Raymond Mhlaba, Ahmed Kathrada, Denis Goldberg, Mkwayi and Motsoaledi and sentenced on 12 June 1964 to life imprisonment. With the exception of Goldberg who was detained inland, the rest were sent to Robben Island. He was prisoner 46764.

    He was released from prison after 26 years in October 1989 with the likes of Sisulu, Ahmed Kathrada, Mkwayi, Mhlaba and Oscar Mpetha. He immediately became a member of the internal ANC structure led by Sisulu. He also served as Transport Head at the ANC’s Shell House after his election into the NEC in 1991.

    After the first democratic elections in 1994, he became an ANC Member of Parliament in Cape Town until he retired in 2014. In 2012 he became Chairperson of the ANC’s Integrity Commission because of his integrity and ethical conduct.

    Mlangeni was passionate about the sport of Golf through which made many friends. He founded the June and Andrew Mlangeni Foundation in 2009 to continue with the community charity work that his wife had started whilst he was in prison.

  • January 1950


    He met June Johanna Ledwaba in 1948 and they married in 1950. They were blessed with four children, two girls Maureen and Sylvia and two boys – Sello and Aubrey who predeceased him.

  • July 2020

    Passed Away

    Ntate Andrew Mlangeni sadly passed away on the 21st of July 2020 in 1 Military Hospital in Pretoria after complaining of abdominal related issues. He was 95 and was the last surviving Rivonia Trialist. "The passing of Andrew Mekete Mlangeni signifies the end of generational history and places our future squarely in our hands". 




President Cyril Ramaphosa

The passing of Andrew Mekete Mlangeni signifies the end of a generational history and places our future squarely in our hands.

Until recently, we were able to sit at Bab’ Mlangeni’s feet and draw on his wealth of wisdom and his unfailing commitment – even at his very advanced age – to a better life for all South Africans.

Bab’ Mlangeni’s dramatic life was a unique example of heroism and humility inhabiting the same person and throughout his long life he remained a beacon of ethical leadership and care for humanity in our own country and around the globe.

With his passing as the last remaining Rivonia Trialist, Bab’ Mlangeni has indeed passed the baton to his compatriots to build the South Africa he fought to liberate and to reconstruct during our democratic dispensation.

He was a champion and exemplar of the values we need to build a South Africa that provides dignity and opportunity for all and which takes its rightful place in the global community of nations.

My thoughts are with the Mlangeni Family today and with all who have had the blessing of meeting and being touched by Bab’ Mlangeni’s passion for achieving a better society as well as his passion for a life that is well-rounded, adventurous, healthy and embracing of people from all walks of life.


Cornelius Tanana Monama

Robala ka kagiso, mogale wa bagale. O segatlhamela-masisi sa ntwa ya kgololosego. Re tla tswelela go ithuta gole gontsi mo go wena!


Professor Hlengiwe Mkhize

As the June and Andrew Mlangeni Foundation, we have lost a father, a comrade, an advisor, and a fountain of political wisdom. Today we pay our special tribute to the fallen giant, and extend our deepest condolences to Ntate Mlangeni’s family for their loss. The foundation as part of the family, is grateful for having learned from Ntate Mlangeni how to keep one's family together, embracing each family member with love, and above everything, keeping the vows he had made when he first met his late wife Mme June.

The Foundation became instrumental in preserving his legacy through his book, "The Backroom Boy" and a documentary which both capture his life times and legacy.

Typical of his character, Ntate Mlangeni made sure that he availed himself for many hours of interviews and reviews. There is not even a single word in that book which he did not approve of.

It is through working with him on the book, where one picked up his bravery, like how he spoke about the decision they took as the accused during the Rivonia trial, that should the sentence be capital punishment, there will be no appeal.

What a courageous giant he was. He threw his life into the armed struggle, sacrificing time with his family, and went for training in a foreign country. He was finely selected along with a handful of men, in the first group of South African anti-apartheid activists for military training in China, taught bomb-making, secret communications and insurgency.

The Robbin Island was a test of his resilience during the early years but he attributed his gained strength to the love and support of his late wife, Mme June.

Let us remember Ntate Mlangeni’s remarkable statement before he and his comrades were convicted and sentenced to life in prison for treason. “That is all I have to say…except to add what I did was not for myself but for my people.”

Nicholas Wolpe opined this morning so accurately, what the foundation is grappling with, that the passing of this great giant brings a "moral task..as to how to keep the memory of our liberation struggle alive...in order to reaffirm our commitment to the ideals, principles, beliefs, and the moral character and integrity that Ntate Andrew Mlangeni and his fellow Rivonia trialists displayed and dedicated their lives to".

As the Foundation, one of the things we have to guard jealously is to honour Ntate Mlangeni's commitment to the ideals of the Revolution and his insistence on integrity and ethical leadership. He saw those two as crucial in persuing the ideals of an equal, inclusive and a prosperous society for all.

I thank you.


Comrade Elias Sekgobelo Magashule


 Dearest comrades, friends and family of uBaba Andrew Mlangeni, 

We welcome the members of the National Executive Committee (NEC) of the African National Congress (NEC), as well as the leadership of the ANC Women’s League, the ANC Youth League, the ANC Veterans League, and the leadership of our Alliance partners the South African Communist Party (SACP), and of the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU). We also warmly welcomed the Honorable Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi. Many of our international friends have also joined us, among them with us today are the Honorable Jerry Ekandjo (MP) from SWAPO, who was together with comrade Mlangeni a political prisoner on Robben Island. Major General Chang, the Defence Attaché of the People’s Republic of China, and Lord Jonathan Oats of the United Kingdom.  

We are gathered here with heavy hearts because one of the tallest trees among the leaders of our revolution has fallen. Isitwalandwe/Seaparankoe, comrade Andrew Mlangeni, an iconic father of our nation, a heroic leader of the struggle of our people, an outstanding volunteer of our struggle, a commander of the glorious army of our people Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK), is no more. Destiny is has let his beautiful heart to sleep in the glory of the immortals. 

Yet, our collective, national and international, presence is a testimony to the legacy of comrade Andrew Mlangeni. He was a selfless servant to all our people, and he worked tirelessly for the revolutionary unity among all of us, on which the successful continuation of our revolution depends. Our collective unity in mourning uBaba Mlangeni - but especially celebrating the long life that he has lived so well and with so much dedication - is the greatest tribute that we can pay to him.  

In doing so we recall a beautiful letter that comrade Mlangeni wrote explaining why he had joined the African National Congress. Speaking about himself joining the ANC as a young man he wrote: “I joined the ANC, not Dr. Moroka who was ANC President when I joined”.  He then proceeded to say: “The media finds it easier to reduce politics to personalities. We live in an era of celebrities, so politics too is reduced to personalities”. In re-affirming the critical message of the collective leadership of his generation that no individual personifies the ANC, comrade Mlangeni referred to the inclusivity of our ANC campaign slogans, while other parties always appeal to only sections of the population. He wrote the following: “Our people do not follow the ANC blindly, as they do religion. Our people support the ANC because of its track record of over hundred years of selfless struggle. But they don’t follow it blindly, the protests that some of us find so uncomfortable, should tell you that. But these protests are demands for attention, not calls to reject the ANC government”. 

With this wise counseling uBaba Mlangeni is certainly also speaking today to each one of us, as we are gathered in this Memorial Service to honor him. In fact, we can say that he has given us our future marching orders! 

We are admonished to always listen to the voices of our people. We are told that we are collectively part of an ages-long proud liberation history. However, we are warned that the support of our people is never unconditional, and their support is dependent on our servanthood to the masses of our people. 

Comrade Mlangeni throughout his life of selfless service provided us with a real-life example of how this should be done. He was never one for grandstanding. By his own admission he was a ‘back room boy’, and he was proud of it. So much so that this was also the title of ‘Back Room Boy’ that he chose for his autobiography. His life personifies the salient truth that the greatest leaders are not those who separate themselves from their people, but those who lead from among - in the midst - of their people. 

Yet, when the plight of his people called upon uBaba Mlangeni to take a stand he was not found wanting. He was never reluctant, or scarred to do so. His  courage, together with the collective courage of his generation propelled them to transform the ANC from being just a movement of petitions and deputations in to a militant revolutionary movement formed by the realities of the new conditions imposed by the racist apartheid regime. Their courage took the forms of our struggle to a higher trajectory, including the formation of the People’s Liberation Army, Umkhonto we Sizwe. 

 Today as we are faced with new, and very demanding challenges that have been intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic, the example of comrade Mlangeni’s life urges to hear the cries of despair of our people. Without hesitation we must grasp the nettle, and address the deep chasm of economic exploitation, poverty and hunger among our people that has been widened during the COVID-19 lockdown. 

Following the example, and the honoring the memory, of the Rivonia trial generation we must continue with our struggle for the Resolutions of the 54th National Conference of the ANC, which amongst others demanded for the expropriation of the land without compensation, the nationalization of the Reserve bank, restructuring of the financial institutions to make capital more easily available to our people, establishment of a state bank, establishment of national health insurance (NHI), and introduction of free and compulsory education for all the people of our country. 

 We must do this with determination, and courage, and never despair. As uBaba Mlangeni, in that same letter that I have quoted from earlier, reminded us: “Thousands of young people, including children as young as Hector Peterson, died so that today we have the vote ... Despair helps no one, it is the road to defeat. It is through exercising our hard one rights that we will all help shape our own future”. 



The Executive Committee of the Parliamentary Golf Association

In Trenches & in Fairways

My father, my comrade, my fellow golfer and my friend. I shall not for a minute mourn your passing, for I am filled with only beautiful memories of you when I selfishly hung onto your coat tails, toddling at your feet and drinking from your endless reservoir of wisdom and experience. 

Tloks (short for Motlokwa) as Mandela, Sisulu, Kathrada and others would call you, tsamaya ka khotso, you have more than earned your rest and your peace knowing that your comradely and selfless deeds have left our country richer and better. When we met you, bab uMlangeni, it was akin to meeting all of the Rivonia trialists. We would never tire of the stories, of the history lessons and of your political insight. 

We saw you as we would see the mighty Baobab tree; a source of our protection and to many, a symbol of longevity, strength and presence! You survived, and even thrived, in the harshest of conditions and your legacy will now continue to nourish and heal generations of South Africans to come. 

I shall now dare claim that I have walked alongside a giant. 

For I walked next to you at the Constitutional Assembly to pen a Constitution for New Democratic South Africa. 

I walked with you when you delivered blankets to the old and vulnerable. 

We walked the fairways of Soweto Country Club, Augusta Country Club and Milnerton Golf Club. We laughed, we argued over golf rules, representing both the ANC and the Republic at a time when golf was not yet fashionable to most. A “bourgeois sport” they called it, we in return called them “Snuris”, a term you always reserved for lousy golf players and those who dishonoured the cause of freedom.  In the entire ANC Class of 94 in parliament, it was only you, Desmond Lockey and I, that shared a love for this game from the early days of a new South Africa.

You used your skill and knowledge of golf to reach out to a wide array of South Africans from different walks of life at golf gatherings throughout the Republic. You were well-known as one of the most accessible senior leaders of the ANC and Parliament, helping to bridge the great divide between sports and politics. 

Baba Mlangeni, Tloks, the lessons you taught me in the many hours we spent in the uneven lies of the fairways and the crucible of the trenches will remain indelible in my heart and in mind.

For all the cash you have taken from me on the grounds of the Milnerton golf course, I now say to you , see you on the next tee! May you soon tee off with Comrade Cassim Saloojee! 

I know in life (as in golf) you would have wished for a free drop without a penalty, now the Lord has granted you one. Free drop and no penalty incurred! 


I know you will be in good company, with Mma June, Madiba, Oom Gov, Sisulu. Your lives collectively and individually, will forever be remembered as a testament to the triumph of the human spirit, even in the darkest of days. We will all die someday, but not many can claim to have lived life so meaningfully. After all “few are the giants of the soul who actually feel that the human race is their family circle” (Freya Stark).

To paraphrase Isaac Newton, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of (this giant)” . 

Tloks, you raise me, you raised me. Thank you.

Famba kahle Tatana wa Mina.


The Executive Committee of the Parliamentary Golf Association elected in 1994 consisting of golfers from different political parties. Sitting in front , Abraham Mzizi of the IFP, Club President Andrew Mlangeni , Hennie Bekker of the IFP,on the Back Row , Cde Cas Saloojee ,Ntsiki Mashimbye, Desmond Lockey and others


Ace Magashule

We are gathered here with heavy hearts because one of the tallest trees among the leaders of our revolution has fallen. Isitwalandwe/Seaparankoe, comrade Andrew Mlangeni, an iconic father of our nation, a heroic leader of the struggle of our people, an outstanding volunteer of our struggle, a commander of the glorious army of our people Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK), is no more. Destiny is has let his beautiful heart to sleep in the glory of the immortals. 


Yet, our collective, national and international, presence is a testimony to the legacy of comrade Andrew Mlangeni. He was a selfless servant to all our people, and he worked tirelessly for the revolutionary unity among all of us, on which the successful continuation of our revolution depends. Our collective unity in mourning uBaba Mlangeni - but especially celebrating the long life that he has lived so well and with so much dedication - is the greatest tribute that we can pay to him. 


In doing so we recall a beautiful letter that comrade Mlangeni wrote explaining why he had joined the African National Congress. Speaking about himself joining the ANC as a young man he wrote: “I joined the ANC, not Dr. Moroka who was ANC President when I joined”.  He then proceeded to say: “The media finds it easier to reduce politics to personalities. We live in an era of celebrities, so politics too is reduced to personalities”. In re-affirming the critical message of the collective leadership of his generation that no individual personifies the ANC, comrade Mlangeni referred to the inclusivity of our ANC campaign slogans, while other parties always appeal to only sections of the population. He wrote the following: “Our people do not follow the ANC blindly, as they do religion. Our people support the ANC because of its track record of over hundred years of selfless struggle. But they don’t follow it blindly, the protests that some of us find so uncomfortable, should tell you that. But these protests are demands for attention, not calls to reject the ANC government”. 


With this wise counseling uBaba Mlangeni is certainly also speaking today to each one of us, as we are gathered in this Memorial Service to honor him. In fact, we can say that he has given us our future marching orders! 


We are admonished to always listen to the voices of our people. We are told that we are collectively part of an ages-long proud liberation history. However, we are warned that the support of our people is never unconditional, and their support is dependent on our servanthood to the masses of our people. 


Comrade Mlangeni throughout his life of selfless service provided us with a real-life example of how this should be done. He was never one for grandstanding. By his own admission he was a ‘back room boy’, and he was proud of it. So much so that this was also the title of ‘Back Room Boy’ that he chose for his autobiography. His life personifies the salient truth that the greatest leaders are not those who separate themselves from their people, but those who lead from among - in the midst - of their people. 


Yet, when the plight of his people called upon uBaba Mlangeni to take a stand he was not found wanting. He was never reluctant, or scarred to do so. His  courage, together with the collective courage of his generation propelled them to transform the ANC from being just a movement of petitions and deputations in to a militant revolutionary movement formed by the realities of the new conditions imposed by the racist apartheid regime. Their courage took the forms of our struggle to a higher trajectory, including the formation of the People’s Liberation Army, Umkhonto we Sizwe. 


Today as we are faced with new, and very demanding challenges that have been intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic, the example of comrade Mlangeni’s life urges to hear the cries of despair of our people. Without hesitation we must grasp the nettle, and address the deep chasm of economic exploitation, poverty and hunger among our people that has been widened during the COVID-19 lockdown. 

Following the example, and the honoring the memory, of the Rivonia trial generation we must continue with our struggle for the Resolutions of the 54th National Conference of the ANC, which amongst others demanded for the expropriation of the land without compensation, the nationalization of the Reserve bank, restructuring of the financial institutions to make capital more easily available to our people, establishment of a state bank, establishment of national health insurance (NHI), and introduction of free and compulsory education for all the people of our country. 

We must do this with determination, and courage, and never despair. As uBaba Mlangeni, in that same letter that I have quoted from earlier, reminded us: “Thousands of young people, including children as young as Hector Peterson, died so that today we have the vote ... Despair helps no one, it is the road to defeat. It is through exercising our hard one rights that we will all help shape our own future”. 


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